Monday, May 30, 2016

Strawberry-Banana Smoothies

I'm know it hasn't been long since my last post, but I really wanted to share this with you guys.
For the last week I've had this near nearly insatiable craving for fruit smoothies. I wind up getting one for my lunch at work almost every day and they've almost completely replaced soda on my list of things I drink (I'm currently sipping a Coke while I'm writing this one, so that's where the "almost" comes from). Something about them just keeps me coming back for another one, and another, and another.

In the last week, I've also noticed that I've gained a second insatiable craving that I keep coming back for more of: Worship.

I'm not much of a singing prodigy like some of my friends, so I usually do almost all singing I do in the car when I'm driving somewhere (namely on the way to and from work). And in just the last week alone since I burned a CD with some Hillsong, Chris Tomlin, Phil Wickham and Matt Redman to listen to in the car, I've noticed some strange stuff coming from me.

I almost don't want to reach the destination I'm traveling to because I'm too lost in worshipping Jesus.
I've actually been a few minutes late getting to work a couple times because I slow down to finish the song that's playing or squeeze in another one. I've found myself taking the "Country Block" to go the back way home when I work evenings so I can drive slow with the windows down and the music up.

But what's probably the weirdest part of all is that I find myself not caring if people hear me singing while I drive by. I'm self-conscious about how people see me on a normal day, even if I'm in the car by myself. But all of a sudden, I don't care if I get weird looks now. I don't care if it makes people laugh at that guy in the car who can't sing very well. It all just turns into background noise while I'm worshipping Jesus.

I've caught myself wanting to scream one song on more than a few occasions because I get so carried away with singing. (

Hopefully this craving for worshipping will change some of itself into a craving for reading God's Word in Scripture soon. I really want to get there like I should be.

And thankfully, worshipping Jesus doesn't cost me $3.63 each time I go through the drive-thru at McDonalds or Dairy Queen. Singing praises to Him is a free gift. And it's one I can both give and be a part of every time I slide in the driver's seat of the car.


I kind of liked the idea at the end of the last post where I put prayer requests, so I think I'm going to keep that going from now on. So if you guys wouldn't mind, I have a couple friends I'd like to ask for prayers for.

My friends Coty and Brittney are both leaving/have left for missionary trips of some sort that are out of country for part or all of the summer. Coty is leaving for Costa Rica on the 31st and will be gone for... a month, I think? (I can't remember if he said a week or a month off the top of my head.
I'll try to update my post for that once I ask him again). Brittney left for Haiti over the weekend and will be gone for three months working with people around the town of Jacmel. Please pray for them to be safe and to stay healthy while they're gone, but above that please pray that they show God's love to the people they come in contact with.

Let their words be what God wants these people to hear.

Let the love they show be God's love spilling out through them.

Love you all!

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