Sunday, October 23, 2016

Lane Drifting

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 4:6-7

When you're really worked up or upset about something, it can make it hard to focus on what's most important to you. You take your eyes off the goal and start worrying about other things.

I found this lesson out the hard way over the summer.

I took my eyes off of where I was trying to get to and let myself be distracted by things that were/are going on around me. And when I did, my car started to drift off the road.

Thankfully, Jesus reminds me to keep my eyes on the road and got me back in the right lane. 


This summer has revealed several things to me spiritually:

- I need to remember 1 John 4:18 a lot more than I actually do (perfect love casts out fear).

- I need to remember to spend time in prayer with God asking for help when things start to upset me or start overwhelming me (Psalm 143).

- And I need to spend a whole lot more time worshipping, reading in scripture and remembering just who my God is.

He's bigger than the things that cause me pain. He's bigger than my worries. 

He's the King of my heart and needs to always be the mountain I run to.


If you guys would, please pray for me to follow through with what I plan for my next post to be over. God's revealed a part of me to myself this summer that I don't normally talk about and don't like bringing up in conversation, and I feel like I need to finally be open about it so it can hopefully start to be fixed.

Pray that the bold spirit I prayed for all summer comes back to me.

And if you feel so inclined to, please feel free to message me about my next post. I'll appreciate being able to talk about it a little and would also like to have some accountability.

Grace, Love and Peace,